fearless jr high

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 timothy 1:7

Fearless Jr High Ministry is dedicated to love Jesus and to service His Kingdom amongst fellow jr highers. We desire to constantly progress in a Spirit-filled walk, following Jesus for life. Through teaching God’s Word, serving others, fellowship with one another, and fun activities, we maintain valued friendships and apply God’s Word to our lives with power and relevance at school, home, and play. Come join us and let’s be “fearless” together for God.

jr high events

Sundays at 10am

We meet together as a church at 10am for worship. Then Fearless Jr High Ministry has their bible study taught Pastor Steven Calkins.
Email JrHigh@SouthwestCalvary.com for updates.

get togethers

Throughout the year, Fearless Jr High Ministry gets together for monthly fellowship nights, retreats, hiking trips, conferences, and other activities.
Email JrHigh@SouthwestCalvary.com for updates.

“Be strong. Be brave. Be fearless. You are never alone.”

joshua 1:9

If you are a jr higher, come check us out at Fearless Jr High Ministry. We would love to connect with you. Come grow with us and make lifelong friendships at Southwest Calvary. If you have any questions, please email me at StevenCalkins@SouthwestCalvary.com or call/text at 623.693.8714.

contact us

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