
michael chon

Head servant aka sr pastor

Pastor Mike is married to Lacey. Together they have two kids, Ethan and Selah. He lives by the 5-Fs: Faith. Family. Food. Fitness. Fun. He is a Buckeye Police/Fire Chaplain, former FF/LEO/Chaplain with several different agencies in California, Hawaii, and Colorado. He has served in various ministries as an assistant pastor, young adults pastor, and worship pastor at Calvary Chapel Cost Mesa, CC Twin Peaks & Murrieta Conference Centers, CC Chino Hills, CC Golden Springs, CC Chino Valley, CC Moloka'i, HI, and CC Gypsum, CO, before taking over CC Buckeye.. He has also served at various Bapti-Costal churches. 

mitch & debra blackman

mens pastor & womens ministry leader

Mitch and Debra Blackman are lovers of Jesus Christ. Mitch is a Messianic believer who is constantly praying for his Israeli family and friends. Mitch hosts the weekly men's study and loves to exhort anyone he comes in contact with. Debra is a prayer warrior and battles for the souls of her family, friends, and the church. Debra leads the weekly women's study. These two have been married for many years and they love their kids and grandkids. 

kathy & mike ramek

children‘s ministry director

Mike and Kathy Ramek love God and feel so honored to serve in the Children's Ministry Team and Safety Team!  They moved from California to Buckeye, AZ in 2021.  They have 2 children and 3 grandchildren who live in CA.  
Kathy is a retired teacher of 35 years and enjoys working with the children.  She is grateful to have an awesome team for support.  Mike is a retired building inspector and on the Safety Team to provide protection and surveillance. They both feel blessed to attend Southwest Calvary and to be part of the “Ohana” at church!

steven & erica calkins 

Assistant/youth pastor, middle school

Coming soon…

alex estrada

ASSISTANT/YOUTH Pastor, high school

Alex and Savannah met at Calvary Bible Institute in 2019. At CBI they served together in the children’s ministry and they found a love for kids and teaching them God’s Word. They were married later that year and in 2020, they moved to AZ to serve as children’s ministry interns at Calvary Chapel Buckeye.
After 3 years of overseeing the children’s ministry, Alex transitioned into a new role as Assistant/High School Pastor.
As a couple they are passionate about equipping the next generation for a life of faith and abiding in Christ.

christian powell

Lead worshipper

Christian and his wife, Keysha, have three children and have been in the Goodyear area since 2017. Christian grew up with musical abilities he picked up from his father and taught himself how to play most instruments you would find on a stage. While he was raised in a non-denominational church, it wasn't until he was 16 that he was baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Since then, he has served in several worship ministries in varying capacities. Christian is a proud United States Air Force veteran that has been serving our country since 2016 and, after leaving active duty in 2023, is currently a non-commissioned officer of the Wyoming Air National Guard.

james dunson

Lead Worshipper ASSISTANT

James Dunson and his wife, Maria, have several kids and grandkids and more on the way. He is a man of many talents with many ideas. He is the owner/operator of Mug-A-Bug pest control services and when he is not killing bugs, he is constantly encouraging the body with his classic greeting, "grace & peace my brother/sister." James (and his twin brother) are self taught musicians and James serves the worship ministry in any capacity. James accepted Christ after living life in the streets of S. Central LA and he has not looked back. James loves playing his guitar, piano, bass, and mixing records.