Keep My Commandments

Shepherd to Sheep

If you love Me, keep My commandments.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬

Last week we reflected on God’s love for us.

Jesus says in this week’s passage that our love for God is expressed through obedience. Jesus lived a perfectly obedient life both out of love for the Father and for us, becoming the perfect sacrifice to forgive our sins.

We all have our own ways of expressing love to others and to God. Regardless of what your “Love Language” may be, set your mind on obedience to the will and Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to perform His will in you. Not out of religious duty, but out of real devotion. And when we fall short of obedience, remember, perfection belongs to Jesus ?

Holy Spirit, I need You to confront me with the Word when I am tempted and straying. Thank You for the mercy I receive as often as I do fall stray. I trust that Your desires for me are what’s best for me. Grant me a greater desire and ability to be obedient to You, I pray

In Jesus’ name,

-Pastor Alex

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